NOW Accepting Summer & Fall listings!

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For Subletters

When doing a search, Subletters first select their University, then semester they need housing for and finally the type of room or housing they are seeking. Using these criteria, our search algorithm will return a list of available properties which meet those needs. Subletters can view the results in a list or on a Google map of the area around that University.

Once you find a sublet you are interested in, you can phone or email the renter. The sublet market is volatile and we encourage you to act fast once you find a listing you like!

Renters Are Responsible for Their Own Listings

The information found on a rental/ sublet property listing has been provided by the renter. Semester Sublet is not responsible for the accuracy of the content provided. If, however, you notice a discrepancy, please notify us so that we can investigate and require that the lister rectify the situation. We strongly suggest asking A LOT of questions, touring the apartment and re-confirming in writing, what you have agreed upon.

  • We are proud of our past users’ positive experiences…Check out their testimonials.
  • With listings for over 35 Colleges & Universities, we are THE largest platform for college subletting. We know this market extensively and want to make your subletting experience the best it can be!
  • Our listings are varied and we have options for everyone, with every type of budget.
  • Our individualized customer service enables us to get to know many renters & subletters personally and maintain pleasant working relationships with them throughout the subletting process.
  • We genuinely care about your subletting experience and are available for assistance 7 days a week.

You can feel comfortable and confident when searching Semester Sublet listings because:

  • We only accept apartment listings in and around college campuses for the college student market.
  • We provide personal, top quality customer service to all our customers, including renters, subletters, parents, private homeowners and residential housing managers.

For Renters

As soon as you know your plan. It’s never too early or too late!
Yes, you can log into your account and make any changes at any time.
Use descriptive words relating to your space, the building, the amenities & location. Try to think about what will appeal to a subletter. You can also ask us to help you at any time.
You may upload new or replacement photos at any time through “Edit Listing,” which is a section within your Profile. You may also rearrange the order of your photos or edit their captions.

Subletters will contact you by email, phone or your Instagram account if you listed it with us. Our system passes on to you all of the information that the subletter has provided, including their phone number if they choose to include it.

For your protection, your email address and phone number are never made public on your listing. Of course, you are welcome to share any of your contact information with prospective subletters when you respond to their inquiries.

The quickest, easiest, and best way is to reply the way you would to any email, by hitting “Reply.” Speed is the need here. The volatile world of subletting can make you dizzy! Respond quickly.
Like most platforms, we do not allow links to personal websites on our site.
To change your contact information, go to your profile section on the Register page. Select the edit contact info option and make your changes. Be sure to scroll to the bottom and click “Submit Change” to save all changes